§ 67-3. Compliance required.  

Latest version.
  • Every license issued hereunder shall be granted under and subject to the following regulations, which by the acceptance of any such license, the applicant therefor agrees to observe, and that a failure to observe the same shall be construed as a violation of this ordinance, to wit:
    That any license issued hereunder shall not be transferable except after application duly made to the Council of the Borough of Paulsboro in the same manner as the original application is made and the approval of such transfer by the Council as aforesaid.
    That the Council of the Borough of Paulsboro may at any time for violation of these regulations or for a violation of any other provision of this ordinance, after due notice to such licensee and public hearing before said Council, revoke any license issued hereunder.
    No person, firm or corporation other than the one intending to maintain and operate such soft-drink or similar beverage establishment shall make or cause to be made any application for a license hereunder.
    That the making of any false statement in the application herein referred to shall be construed to be a violation of the terms of the ordinance, rendering the person making the same subject to the penalties herein provided.